Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Transforming Church in Rural America

I was given this book from booksneeze in return for my honest opinion

This book is about Shannon O'dell He left a large church with several pastors to go so a smaller rural church. I'm sure that the pastors of these big churches think that its a step down or something like that but no matter if your preaching in a big church to 10,000 people or a small church to 31 people you are both doing the same thing and that is spreading Gods word I didn't like this book I was raised in a small church like the one that was talked about in this book and I loved it when I moved on to a bigger church in a bigger area I began to see how a lot of churches have changed over the years its all about money where you pass the offering plate every 15 minutes its not about GOD anymore its all about the money. I didn't like this book because I have a different view on church then Mr. Odell does but that is just me

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